///////////////// ///////////// ///////////////// ///////////// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///////////// ///// ///// ///////////// ///// ///// ///// ///////////// ///// ///// ///////////// The Humble Guy's HumbleDox Presents Magic Pockets: Complete Game Manual MAGIC POCKETS IBM PC Installation and Key guide GETTING STARTED The game has been previously configured with the following configuration: to run from floppy disk, player control by keyboard with Colour VGA graphics and beeper sound support. If you wish to play the game like this insert the disk into the floppy drive, type the drive designator A: or B: and then type: POCKETS. The game will then proceed to load. If your machine does not support this configuration or you wish to support a higher configuration of machinery, see below. INSTALLING AND RECONFIGURING THE GAME Place the game disk into floppy drive A:. At the prompt type INSTALL [Enter]. A configuration screen will be displayed which allows you to configure the game to your own requirements. USING THE CONFIGURATION SCREEN To move around the menus use the cursor keys and use the [Enter] key to make the selection from the main headings: Audio Options Video Options Control Method Hard Disk Install Save Set-up Quit On making a selection from these headings a second set of windows or options will be displayed relating to the heading you had previously selected. THE MAIN CONFIGURATION HEADINGS Video Options This relates to which mode the game can be displayed in. Please refer to your computer and monitor reference manuals to see which mode is most suitable for your computer. Audio Options This option allows the user to configure the game to support the sound card that they have within their machine. An option is available for No Sound. Control Method The game defaults to using the keyboard as the in game control mode. It is possible to change the control method to joystick via this option. For information on how the controls selected are used within the game see the enclosed Magic Pockets manual. Hard Disk Install If you wish to install the game to hard disk you are free to do so. The default path through which the game will be installed is C:\POCKETS. The path name can be changed from within this option. Save Set-up This option allows the player to save his new configuration to either the floppy disk or to the hard disk path that he has installed the game to. Quit Quits from the Install program and returns to DOS. RUNNING THE GAME Once the game has been correctly configured for your machine follow these instructions: Floppy disk Place the game disk in the appropriate drive and type: POCKETS [Enter]. Hard disk Enter the game directory containing the Magic Pockets files and type: POCKETS [Enter]. ADDITIONAL GAME INFORMATION - please read in conjunction with game manual. GAME CODES On completing World One Level One you will be asked to insert a four digit code from the enclosed code sheet. To enter the code, cycle through the sweets (using either the keyboard or joystick as previously selected as player control) until the correct code appears, and then press Fire. If the correct code has been inserted you will be allowed to continue, if not you will be asked to enter a new code. You have three attempts at inserting the correct code. Level Codes Each time the Kid completes a level he will be given a level code. Write this down as it is not saved anywhere within the game. On dying or starting the game again on another day, you can insert this code by pressing F2 while in the game and typing in the four digit code. The Kid will then be teleported to the level that the code relates to. Player Control Changes The Kid now spins automatically out of a large whirlwind when he walks into the whirlwind and off the top of a large cloud when jumping onto the cloud. PAUSE, EXIT GAME AND QUIT KEYS F1 Pause. F10 Exit Game. F1 then CTRL-C Quit to DOS. The Bitmap Brothers would like to thank the following people for their help in creating the IBM PC version of Magic Pockets: Chris Wood - Tandy and CGA version Tony Williams - Honker and Tandy Music and sound effects THE STORY The Bitmap kid was much loke every other kid on the block until the day when a strange old man gave to Kid his pair of mystical trousers. These mystical trousers bestowed upon the wearer the power of the Magic Pockets. Now Kid kicks and is in the house. When a Kid's got bottomless pockets in which to keep his toys and boys things, he's so cool it hurts. But then one day something bad happened. Kid couldnt find his best toys. They had disappered into the depths of his bottomless pockets! Kid was not happy, but did't show it because he was so cool. He simply put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a Black Hole which he threw on the floor. Kid stepped into the Black Hole and in an instant he reappeared inside his own pockets in Pocketland! All was not well. The naughty Pocketland people had taken a liking to Kid's best toys and were playing with them without his say-so. Kid was feeling dis'd but in control so visited the four corners of Pocketland and picked up his best toy from each. His bike was in the caves and his boxing gloves were in the jungle. His diving helmet he found in the lake and his space hopper was being bounced on on the mountain! But Kid was'nt content on getting his best toys back. He wanted to teach the Pocketland people a lesson. So he did. Using his pocketpower, Kid killed the bad people along the way and stole their sweet things and their magic items which he used to his advantage before transporting himself home in time to catch the all-night rave. He then lived happily ever after until the next time ... ENTER THE FOUR CORNERS OF POCKETLAND The four corners of Pocketland are very different to each other but they share many secrets. Each corner ('or world') is split into sections and has its own special feature and five different types of pocketland person. And of course, a best toy. The bad people in each world play games with the best toy, so even when Kid gets it back and is about to leave a world he has to prove to the people (and himself) that he's the best player around. One particular type of Pocketland person will always try to get Kid's best toy before he does, so watch out at the beginning of every world and try to kill this person before it gets away. Being so cool though means that Kid does'nt have to collect his best toy if he does'nt want to before moving on to another section, or indeed another world. Each section in a Pocketland world has an exit which leads to the next section. Kid's under no immediete pressure to reach the exit, but if he hangs around to long he may bump into Mr Bubble. Kid also gives himself a points bonus for passing through the exit of a section while in possesion of a best toy. THE BUBBLE The bubble floats after Kid if he hangs around the exit for too long. Kid should kill the bubble - and he should do for the bubble takes away all of Kid's power-ups if he catches him. SWEET THINGS Kid finds many different sweet things lying around in Pocketland. The sweet things are each worth a points bonus. Kid can also make the Pocketland people produce sweet things by trapping them with his PocketPower. Watch out for other worthy objects, such as a pile of coins - kick it over then pick up the coins for a points bonus. THE POCKET PICKERS Everyone who lives in Pocketland is a bit funny. Even the ones who look normal. Each Pocketland person has its own strength in the form of hit points which relate to how many small bursts of Pocketland power to actually kill it. For example, a bad person with a single hit point is killed with s small burst of PocketPower or larger. A bad person with four hit points can be killed with four small bursts of PocketPower, or a couple of slightly larger bursts, and so on. When a bad person is hit but has hit points remaining then its stunned. Some bad people ignore Kid. Others hate him and are angry that he wants his best toys back so they throw and spit things at Kid. Some bad people even eat the sweet things that are lying around! A bad person that eats sweet things will give a power-up when it dies. Can you guess why it leaves the Power-up it does? WHERE'S THE BEST TOY? AND WHERE'S THE EXIT? Kid's best toys are always found near the exit. Kid can easily see in which direction the best toy is to be found. Whenever Kid uses his PocketPower, and arrow is thrown out too and it points in the direction of the best toy - but the scenery will not always allow him to go straight there. The closer Kid is to the best toy, the more arrows are thrown out. At the end of a section Kid awards himself a points bonus for doing lots fo different things. For example, Kid gives himself a points bonus for the number of Silver Stars he did'nt use and a points bonus for the number of bad people he killed. But as we said, he's fair and he also deducts points from his life bonus for every life he lost during the sction. Kid gives himself five new lives at the beginning of every section. SECRET BONUSES Kid's so cool he can make his own secret bonuses thanks to one of the special items he finds. See if you can find out how to make such things happen. There are many other surprises to be found in Magic Pockets. For example, in the first section of each world there is a way of warping straight to the first section of the next world. Watch out also whenever Kid gets 100,000 points, and keep 'em peeled for some SPECIAL items! Have fun finding them! ITEMS IN MAGIC POCKETS MAGIC POTIONS Magic Whirlwinds The largest whirwind produces two small whirlwinds of its own every time it bounces. Throw them high! Magic Snowballs When Kid uses his PocketPower he throws twice as many Snowballs. Magic Clouds The largest cloud explodes into four small clouds after hanging around for about five seconds. Bouncing Ice T-Cubes They bouce once for every magic potion collected and grow (up to the maximum size) too. BEST TOYS The Bike Kid's so cool on his bike that he kills anything bad he touches. If Kid foes fast enough on his bike he does a wheely. As soon as Kid does a wheely, hold down the joystick firebutton to keep him wheelying. Space Hopper Kid can use his space hopper to bounce on anything bad and kill it. Boxing Gloves A single hit from Kid with these on is enough to kill any bad person at once, and it also leaves behind a sweet thing. Kid's so cool with his boxing gloves on he's not hurt by anything bad he touches. Diving Helmet Kid can't swim, but he can dive, but only when he's wearing the diving helmet, so he has to be careful not to drop it in the water. POCKET POWER Whirlwinds They bounce off the ground and walls and Kid can spin off the largest one. Snowballs They don't bounce off the ground and Kid can't spin off them. They can be used to trap bad people in the same way as Whirlwinds, Clouds and Ice T-Cubes. Clouds The bounce off the ground and walls and Kid can spin off the largest one, provided he's on top of it. The largest cloud also drops a single raindrop which kills any bad person it touches. Ice T-Cubes They don't normally bounce off the ground and Kid can't spin off them. They can be used to trap bad people in the same way as Whirlwinds and Clouds. When you tap the joystick fire button, Kid puts his right hand into his pocket and uses his PocketPower. The longer the joytick firebutton is held down, the larger the burst of PocketPower. There are four sizes of PocketPower. Kid can use his PocketPower in different ways providing he's not moving in any direction. You can press and hold down the joystick firebutton to build PocketPower and then release it by moving the joystick; up for a high throw, down for a low throw and in the direction Kid is facing for a long throw. EVENTS The Bike Race Kid's bike and many other like it stand ready - but not for long. Kid's among a rabble of Rocky people, and eveyone wants a bike. So be quick Kid, and peddle like crazy to rech the finish line in one of the top three positions. And watch out for the snails, they slow Kid down. Fight the Gorilla Its a ruck boys and girls. The faster Kid beats up the gorilla, the more points bonus he gets. Find the Treasure Kid proves he's the best diver by swimming around a maze like cavern and collecting gold from chests for a points bonus. Its a race against the clock, so Kid's got to be quick. Kid gains fifteen seconds of time for every Oxygen cannister he collects. CAVE SECRET Dissolving Blocks Kid throws Whirlwinds at the dissolving blocks to disolve them. The large Whirlwinds bounce off the dissolving blocks, getting one size smaller with every bonus. MOUNTAIN SECRET Rolling Snowballs Kid can push the smaller snowballs until they grow to their largest possible size. He can also roll the snowballs into the bad people. LAKE SECRET Freezing Water Kid's Ice T-Cubes freeze the water. When Kid jumps on the ice, its broken. SPINNING Kid has a special secret move up his sleeve. Its called a Spin. He can perform a spin in one of two ways: either off the top of a Whirlwind or Cloud or when he falls a reasonable distance (Kid's so cool he can fall any distance without hurting himself). When Kid spins he becomes invincible and kills any bad person he touches. Kid cannot spin when he has a special item of any sort. Note that when Kid's falling he can be moved through the air as if he was walking, only slower. SECRET ROOMS There are at least two secret rooms hidden within each section of a world. Kid can only enter a secret room by wearing a transporter helmet. When Kid has visited every secret room to be found in a section, the next time he uses a transporter helmet, he is taken straight to the exit. KID CONTROL Kid can jump through any platform but will only land on it if there's space for his feet. He can't walk through solid barriers. Jump Left Jump Up Jump Right \ | / \ | / \ | / Walk Left (or move ______\|/______ Walk right (or move left during Jump) /|\ right during jump) / | \ / | \ / | \ Pick up or use Power-up (or drop Power-up) and Spin off PocketPower Kid loses a life when he's not stunned and runs into a bad person. Kid's stunned when he first runs into a bad person and remains safe from any further hits for a few seconds. Trapping PocketPeople Bad people which are weak enough can be trapped in the largest size of PocketPower - but not for too long. When a bad person is trapped, Kid can break the spell of the PocketPower by jumping on to it and so release sweet things. The quantity of sweet things released depends on how hard Kid hits the trapped bad person. When Kid walk into a trapped bad person, a single sweet thing is thrown out, whereas a big spin into a trapped bad person results in five sweet things. Kid can easily keep track of which sweet thing will be thrown out by a trapped bad person by paying attention to the sweet thing counter 'behind' his left 'life counting' hand. The sweet thing counter counts a sweet thing every time a bad person is killed without being trapped. When the sweet thing counter has counted ten different sweet things, it stops counting and only starts counting again when Kid's killed a bad person after busrting a trapped bad person. There are other ways of prodcing sweet things, see if you can discover them for yourself. At every 5000 points the next trapped bad person to be burst will be given a power-up instead of a sweet thing. From then on, a power up 'counter' will be show behind Kid's right 'PowerPocket' hand. The power-up counter counts through Power-up's as bad persons are killed. When the power-up counter has counted through the ten power-up's, its starts counting again from the first power up. ITEMS IN MAGIC POCKETS Power-Ups When Kid collects a Power-up it power him in some way. There are ten different types of Power-up - some of them are placed on the scenery, otherwise Kid has to create them. Silver Star Every Silver Star collecte affects what happens when a Gold Star is collected. Small Milk Bottle For every small milk bottle collected Kid is given an extra life. Cocktail Having picked up a Cocktail, the next time Kid uses his PocketPower, he also throws out a sweet thing - of the same type as the last one he picked up. This only happens once after every Cocktail. A Bottle of Pop Collecting a bottle of pop causes a shower of sweet things to fall from off the screen onto any available space below. This only happens once after every bottle of pop. Coffee With a mug of coffee collected, Kid can use his PocketPower faster. It gets faster still when a second mug is collected. The effect runs out when Kid start a new section. The Coffee is best used with the cup of tea. Tea With a cup of Tea collected, the speed of Kid's PocketPower is increased. A second cup of tea makes Kid's PocketPower even faster. The effect runs out when Kid starts a new section. The Tea is best used with the mug of coffee. Fruit Drink Picking up the green fruit drink has no obvious effect, but watch out for a large sweet thing at the beginning of the next section. Pick up more than one fruit drink from one section and the large sweet thing which appears on the next will be different and worth a bigger points bonus. Large Milk Bottle All of Kid's lives are restored when he collects one of these. Gold Star When Kid picks up a Gold Star, a special item appears which depends on how many Silver Starts he's collected. There are seven special items available. Face Mask When Kid puts on this face mask he cannot be hurt by the Pocketland people. The face mask only lasts a minute though - you will hear when time is running out. Kid can chew gum with a face mask on. Transporter Helmet Wearing the transporter helmet transports Kid to a secret room. Bitmap Shades Kid already has the coolest pair of shades there is, so he does'nt need another. Thats why these shades explode and kill every surrounding bad person when he picks them up. Bag of Nails When its dropped, five nails are thrown out. But then, what do you expect? The bag of nails only works three times but the nails stay there until they are hit by something bad. Gasoline When Kid's picked up this can it changes his PocketPower to Fire! Instead of different sizes of PocketPower, Kid now throws out between one and four bouncing balls of fire, each one capable of killing any bad thing it touches. The effects last for about one minute. Laser Helmet Whit this on, Kid can shoot different strengths of laser beam from his head. The beam passes through anything bad it touches and so each shot can kill more than one bad person. The laser helmet only lasts for about one minute. Spiky Helmet Ouch! Anything living which touches Kid while he's wearing this helmet will be dead instantly. The Spiky Helmet lasts for a about one minute. Bubble Gum Machine Kid takes a piece of bubble gum from the machine and chews it before blowing a big bubble. He can now float around to higher (or lower) places. Watch out! Kid can't use his PocketPower and can still get hurt. Television When Kid uses the TV, he's shown a small map of his immediete surroundings. The map also displays the wherabouts of every bad person and sweet thing. Special item, best toy, and so on. Press the joystick firebutton to return to play. Cherry Drink Kid awards himself a random points bonus for every Cherry Drink he collects. Sweet Machine It's only ever found in the secret rooms. Whenever Kid activates it, five sweet things are thrown out. Road Drill Shake it Kid!, Using the road drill means Kid cannot move for a few seconds. Any surrounding PocketLand People each turn into a Power-up, the type of which depends on the bad persons strength.